Building on the success of our 2nd Annual NIF we are pleased to announce our 3rd Annual Neuroscience Innovation Forum for BD&L and Investment in Therapeutics and Technology to take place at the Marines‘ Memorial Club, San Francisco on the 12th of January 2020, a day before the JP Morgan meeting. The program will cover BioPartnering for CNS, with industry keynotes and panels on AD, PD, Neuropsychiatry and Pain Management. Moreover, there are panels on innovation in NeuroTech covering banking, device, diagnostics and software. The target audience are buy and sell side analysts from investment banks and funds and partnering executives from pharma, biotech and medtech companies. We anticipate over 250 delegates and 30+ company presentations by established listed, private and emerging companies. There are numerous networking opportunities available via an online One-2-One meeting system with dedicated meeting facilities to make the event more transactional.