Defence Therapeutics Inc. („DTC“) is a Canadian biotech company specialising in the development of vaccines and the improved transport of active substances into diseased cells. With its patented Accum™ technology, Defence Therapeutics Inc. offers a platform for so-called antibody-drug conjugates (ADC). In this process, a specific active ingredient is linked to an antibody by means of a peptide linker and thus reaches exactly where it is supposed to act. The situation for biotech companies on the capital markets is no longer so easy after the sharp rise in interest rates over the last 18 months because research needs regulated financing. What are the prospects for Defence Therapeutics Inc. after the recent sector correction? What is the future for the Defence Therapeutics Inc. share? Is it still worth investing? Read our stock portrait by André Will-Laudien, GoingPublic Media AG editorial team.

The stock portrait presents current research results and the resulting potential of Defence Therapeutics Inc. As a promising biotech stock in the field of cancer therapies, the share is the focus of the Plattform Life Sciences.

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Concise information on the company, its market positioning and current share performance

Read more about the profile of the company and its positioning in the market for vaccines and efficacy enhancers. We outline current research approaches and the company’s pipeline. Most recently, the extensive granting of patent rights and the cooperation with the well-known University Hospital City of Hope from California as well as the French nuclear medicine specialist Orano came as a surprise.

The stock portrait is part of a comprehensive information series

The stock portrait of Defence Therapeutics Inc. complements the „Biotech & Co. Basket“ already introduced at the beginning of the year with selected companies of the sector according to market capitalisation. It provides background information on selected stocks. You will find further stock portraits on the following page:

Brief information on stock market development

The share price development of the last 12 months was marked by the extensive correction of the entire biotech sector on the NASDAQ. Nevertheless, the Defence Therapeutics Inc., share price rose by 57% over the past 12 months. This upswing is due to increased attention by biotech investors because of numerous advances in research and development. The company is now aiming for a listing on the NASDAQ in order to facilitate access for institutional investors in particular. From 10th to 12th October 2023, the company will present itself at the „Festival of Biologics“ in Basel.

-> Find out more in our new stock portrait


André Will-Laudien
CEFA, Diplom-Kaufmann at GoingPublic Media AG

André Will-Laudien ist Mitglied der GoingPublic-Redaktion. Seit 1995 ist er in verschiedenen Stationen bei Banken als Vermögensverwalter, Kapitalmarkt- und Makroexperte sowie als fundamentaler Aktien-Analyst tätig. Seine Passion gilt den Energie-, Rohstoff- und Technologiemärkten sowie der taktischen und strategischen Asset Allokation von liquiden Anlageprodukten.