DCZ Executive Search GmbH
Pioneering Biotech Talent Activation since the ‘90s
Founded in 1997, DCZ Executive Search has been at the forefront of biotech talent acquisition, with Dr. Carmen Zirngibl leading the way through innovative direct engagement strategies. Our dedicated group of consultants, with deep expertise in science and healthcare, is constantly committed to transforming the way talent is sourced and activated in the biotechnology field. With over 70 years of collective experience, we are experts in both the biotech industry and strategic talent acquisition. Our deep understanding of the sector‘s dynamics, combined with innovative recruiting strategies, makes us the ideal partner for companies aiming to navigate this landscape and secure top talent to drive innovation and growth.
Sustainable Recruiting | Our approach focuses on seamlessly integrating top talent in line with your company vision and values to foster an innovation-friendly culture that ensures a competitive advantage. |
Life Science Headhunting Excellence | We specialize in talent acquisition in the biotech sector, identifying groundbreaking talents and effectively merging HR strategies with headhunting techniques to enhance our partners‘ success. |
Ensuring Team Fit with Precision | Using a cutting-edge Personality Profi ler, based on the Big Five model, we gain deep insights into candidates‘ personalities, motivations, and competencies to precisely tailor selection and team composition, promoting long-lasting professional relationships. |
Tailored Support for Start-Ups | DCZ HeadhunterAngels provides specialized HR support designed for the dynamic needs of start-ups, enhancing passion and productivity, and evolving with your business. |
Environmental Commitment | Each contract signed sparks a chain of eco-action with the NGO ThankU, igniting real-world change and weaving our clients’ stories into the earth’s brighter future. |
Date of Incorporation | 1997 |
Dr. Carmen Zirngibl Founder & Managing Partner |
Daniela Schilz Managing Partner |
Dr. Julia Pachnicke Junior Consultant |
Telephone | +49 211-99364-225 |
info@dcz.de |
DCZ Executive Search GmbH
Gerresheimer Landstr. 127
40627 Düsseldorf
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