

Bildnachweis: @IZB.

Since its founding in 1995, the IZB has developed into a renowned biotechnology center that is one of the largest hubs in Europe. There are currently over 40 biotech start-ups with more than 700 employees based at two locations on 26,000 m2, working in areas such as drug and product development as well as biotech and diagnostic services. A key criterion for the success of the IZB is its proximity to top-level research on the Martinsried/Großhadern campus and on the TU Munich campus in Weihenstephan.

„We are a premium partner of the Life Sciences platform because the collaboration with the renowned GoingPublic publishing house helps us to further strengthen our network within the biotech industry.“


references Former IZB start-ups: Amsilk GmbH, Morphosys AG, Origenis GmbH

Current start-ups: Catalym GmbH, Invitris, Tubulis GmbH

foundation 1995
Location Martinsried-Planegg near Munich

contact person

Christian Gnam, Managing Director IZB




Marion Köhler
Head of Public Relations IZB
++49 89 55 279 48-17
koehler@izb-online.de    LinkedIn




Innovation and Startup Center for Biotechnology (IZB)

Am Klopferspitz 19

82152 Martinsried-Planegg near Munich

Tel.: +49 89 55 279-0
Fax: +49 89 55 279-29
Email: info@izb-online.de
URL: www.izb-online.de
Social Media: LinkedIn

Contributions by/with IZB online

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