Start Schlagworte Protix

Schlagwort: Protix

Mealworm powders on an old spoon on an olive stone surface. Copyright: M;ichael - Generiert mit KI - stock.adobe.com

EU Mealworm Approval: A Breakthrough for the Industry and Investors?

As of February 10, 2025, the EU has approved the use of UV-treated mealworm powder in various food products, including bread, pasta, and pastries....
Founder team of Peel Pioneers. Photo: © Peel Pioneers

Minimising risks

Like every other industry, the bioeconomy is facing its own challenges. However, as in any other sector, these challenges are being tackled in a...
50 Mio. EUR für Insekten-Startup

Protix: 50 Mio. EUR für Insekten-Startup

In der Tierhaltung werden in großen Mengen proteinreiche Futtermittel auf der Basis von Soja oder Fisch benötigt. Deren Anbau kann häufig Bodenerosion und die...