Start Schlagworte Sustainability

Schlagwort: Sustainability

V. l. n. r.: Wolfgang Güssgen, Mathilde Bonvin, Bastian Lange, Markus Rieger. Copyright: GoingPublic Media AG

Die „heißesten“ Trends auf der ESG-Agenda…

Unter dem Motto "What's hot on the ESG agenda for investors and corporates?" stand unter der Federführung von Euronext Corporate Services ein spannendes Panel...
Mycoprotein is an alternative, nutritious protein source with a meat-like texture made from Fusarium venenatum. Mycoprotein is a type of protein that comes from a fungus. AI generated. Copyright: irissca - stock.adobe.com

Pioneering sustainable solutions for protein production

With 80% of agricultural land already used for livestock farming, there is limited scope for further expansion to meet the expected 78% increase in...
Sugar beet in the field. Copyright: scharfsinn86 - stock.adobe.com

More than just sugar

The challenges of climate change affect all industries and companies of all sizes. More and more enterprises are actively addressing the requirements of a...
Copyright: kichigin19 - stock.adobe.com

From scientist to serial entrepreneur

I’ve always been fascinated by fungi, which is reflected in more than a decade of academic research at scientific institutions in Germany and Australia....
Symbolbild ESG. Copyright: Naiyana - stock.adobe.com

Reporting on circular economy: Opportunity or burden?

Resource scarcity will set limits on today’s linear economic growth and requires a transformation towards a sustainable and pollution-free circular economy. The EU has...
Cleanup Mission Romania, Barajul Voila, April 2022. Photo: © everwave GmbH

Doing good needs solid financing

What starts with a good sustainable idea is not automatically a sustainable business model. The road to a functioning ­social business is long and...
Talents are looking for organisations that ­actively integrate sus­tainability into their business practices. Photo: © DCZ Executive Search GmbH

Young talents on the lookout for sustainability

In the ever-changing world of recruitment, companies that pay particular attention to sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) topics are better positioned to attract...
Symbolbild "cultured meat". Copyright: Firn - stock.adobe.com

Reimagining meat

Plant-based and cultivated meat are essential for meeting our climate targets because they can deliver the meat people want with up to 92% less...
Bio-circular plastic ­alternative based on an agriculture waste: traceless materials in the form of granulate, paper coating, solution, ridig & film application. Photo: © traceless

The number of circular economy start-ups in Germany is growing

In the last years, the number of circular economy start-ups in Germany has increased significantly. There are too many ­different very heterogenous definitions to...
Founder team of Peel Pioneers. Photo: © Peel Pioneers

Minimising risks

Like every other industry, the bioeconomy is facing its own challenges. However, as in any other sector, these challenges are being tackled in a...