Jonathan Elmer, CFO, Landis+Gyr AG GoingPublic: Why did you decide on an IPO in Switzerland? Elmer: Landis+Gyr was founded over 120 years ago in Switzer- land, still has its headquarters in the country and enjoys strong brand recognition in the Swiss market. Due to the financial situa- tion of the previous owner, Toshiba, the IPO had to take place within a short period of time. The IPO process on the SIX Swiss Exchange was very efficient, predictable and clear, in terms of regulations. Jonathan Elmer aspects will result in substantial place- ment power for banks,” Weilenmann says knowingly. Regulation with flexibility There is also a lot being done in Switzer- land to protect investors – legal require- ments are oriented towards international standards. “In spite of this, the market- oriented regulatory environment allows issuers to efficiently raise capital – both Effervescent financial centre Prior to this summer drama, the IPO market in Switzerland had shown a similar development to that in Germany. While ten companies had newly gone public in 2018, just four stock corporations have decided to go public in the current year. Even so, this flexible and less regulated access is especially attractive for young com panies. “Switzerland is a leading financial centre and a magnet for international compa- nies,” said Weilenmann. The reasons for this strong appeal are varied: a high level of competitiveness, a networked eco- nomy, political, economic and social stabi- lity, and a highly qualified workforce. “Innovation, stability and security attract a financially strong group of international investors,” notes Weilenmann. In addition, there are large pools of capital from roughly 470 banks and insurance agen- cies, as well as over 1,700 pension funds. The total assets under management have a value of over CHF 6,200 bn. “Both Being Public/Investor Relations for smaller local and for larger interna- tional companies,” explains Weilenmann. Local factors also play a role when start- ups decide to go public in their own country. “As Swiss companies, of course we want to be present in our home exchange and make it easy for our Swiss investors to trade shares in Swiss francs,” emphasises Dr Florian Dillinger, President of the Board of Directors of Matador Partners Group. “That’s why it was natural for us to list in Switzerland.” Pioneer in digital infrastructure The Swiss financial centre can still make the most of other strengths: “Especially in the healthcare sector, the SIX Swiss Exchange is highly specialised compared to its international competitors,” observes Weilenmann. Companies benefit from this because of the high visibility to investors and the media as well as the broad coverage through specialised research analysts. Not least, the operating body SIX Group is endeavouring to take on a Dr Florian Dillinger, President of the Board of Directors, Matador Partners Group AG GoingPublic: What is typical for the Swiss capital market? Dillinger: The Swiss capital market has always been a good place for blue chips. Some of Europe’s biggest companies call it their home. On the other hand, there is still too little support for small and mid-caps (SMEs). There are too few players on the market in this area who could, for example, support such companies’ capi- tal measures and accelerate their growth. Dr Florian Dillinger ANZEIGE Musterschüler war gestern Heute gibt‘s das Musterdepot BOND GUIDE stark in Anleihen & Co. 18% 16% 14% Anleihe (Laufzeit) VST Building (2019) HanseYachts II (2019) Branche Branche WKN WKN Baustoffe Baustoffe A1H PZD A1H PZD Yachten Yachten A11 QHZ A11 QHZ Kauf- wert* Nomi- nale* 7,3% 11.187 15.000 3,3% Kaufdatum 6,3% 5,8% 04/, 08/ und 09/2016 Kauf- kurs 74,58 4.413 5.000 16.10.14 88,25 8,00% 1.262 2 262 Homann 104,95 104,95 5.248 5.248 3,4% 3,4% +47,5% +447,7,55%% 164 S . A . G . S VST Building 12% 10% hts II c Ya e s n 6% a H derzeitiger derzeitiger 4% 8% S c W L II Depot- Depot- anteil anteil N e u e Z Kupon ola Kurs Kurs r s aktuell aktuell tr o Zins- s- erträge äge publity WA bis dato* ato* * m II h Wert* Wert* l o z 2% Gesamt- Gesamt- veränderung veränderung Volkswagen seit Kauf seit Kauf # Wochen # im Depot im Risiko- einschät- zung** 8,50% 5,0% 5,0% Dt. Mittelstandsanleihen Fonds 104,35 104,35 8 868 1.868 15. 15.653 15.653 Ferratum I 10,0% 10,0% Jacob Stauder II +56,6% +566,6%% 84 Neue ZWL II (2021) Automotive Automotive A13 SAD A13 SAD 4.050 5.000 08.07.16 81,00 7,50% 534 4 534 Volkswagen Automobile Automobile 8.238 10.000 01/ und 82,38 3,50% 6 586 586 101,00 101,00 Eyemaxx RE V 10.100 10.100 6,5% 6,5% 4 finance +29,7% ++229,9,7% Euroboden II 104,00 104,00 BeA Joh. Fr. Behrens 5.200 5.200 3,3% 3,3% +41,6% ++4411,66%% A- A- A- B+ Foto: © bg-pictures – 74 87